{****************************************************************************** TFrom DesignHook接口的实现. wr960204 武稀松 2007.9.10 2013.6.3 加入SetDesignState适应新的Delphi. ******************************************************************************} unit DesignHookUtils; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Messages, Classes, Controls, Forms, ComObj, ActiveX, Graphics; //开始设计.设计整个窗口里,以窗口为Owner的控件 function BeginDesign(Form: TCustomForm): IDesignerHook; overload; //开始设计.设计窗口里,Root控件为Owner的控件 function BeginDesign(Form: TCustomForm; Root: TWinControl): IDesignerHook; overload; //终止设计 procedure EndDesign(Form : TCustomForm); implementation //点到区的转化 function PointToRect(pt1, pt2: TPoint): TRect; begin if pt1.X < pt2.X then begin Result.Left := pt1.X; Result.Right := pt2.X; end else begin Result.Left := pt2.X; Result.Right := pt1.X; end; if pt1.Y < pt2.Y then begin Result.Top := pt1.Y; Result.Bottom := pt2.Y; end else begin Result.Top := pt2.Y; Result.Bottom := pt1.Y; end; end; const GrabHandleSize = 4; type TDesignerHook = class; TCrackComponent = class(TComponent); TCrackControl = class(TControl); //管理FrameSize的.免得要遍历释放每个FrameSize TGrabHandleManager = class(TComponent) private FDesigner: TDesignerHook; public constructor Create(ADesigner: TDesignerHook); end; //IDesignerHook的实现部分 TDesignerHook = class(TInterfacedObject, IDesignerNotify, IDesignerHook) private FGrabHandleManager: TGrabHandleManager; FForm: TCustomForm; FRoot: TWinControl; FControls: TList; FDraggingControl: TControl; FDragging: Boolean; FBeforDragPos: TPoint; FSelecting: Boolean; FPointStart, FPointEnd: TPoint; FOldRect: TRect; FNewRect: TRect; FMouseRect: TRect;//鼠标被限制的范围 procedure MouseLock(Sender: TControl);//锁定鼠标到某一个范围 procedure MouseFree();//释放对鼠标的锁定 function OnMessage(Sender: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean; procedure Remove(AControl: TControl); overload; procedure Remove(Index: Integer); overload; procedure Clear(); function Add(AControl: TControl): TControl; procedure ShowGrabHandle(const Show: boolean); procedure ClearGrabHandle(AControl: TControl); procedure SetDragging(const Value: Boolean); function GetControlCount: Integer; function GetControls(Index: Integer): TControl; procedure AddRectControls(Parent: TWinControl; Rect: TRect); function OwnerCheck(Sender: TControl; CheckOnwer: TComponent): Boolean; procedure MouseDown(Sender: TControl; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); virtual; procedure MouseUp(Sender: TControl; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); virtual; procedure MouseMove(Sender: TControl; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); virtual; procedure KeyDown(Sender: TControl; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); virtual; public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy; override; property Dragging: Boolean read FDragging write SetDragging; property ControlCount: Integer read GetControlCount; property Controls[Index: Integer]: TControl read GetControls; public { IDesignerNotify 的接口} procedure Modified; procedure Notification(AnObject: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation); public { IDesignerHook 的接口} function GetCustomForm: TCustomForm; procedure SetCustomForm(Value: TCustomForm); function GetIsControl: Boolean; procedure SetIsControl(Value: Boolean); function IsDesignMsg(Sender: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean; procedure PaintGrid; procedure PaintMenu; procedure ValidateRename(AComponent: TComponent; const CurName, NewName: string); function UniqueName(const BaseName: string): string; function GetRoot: TComponent; property IsControl: Boolean read GetIsControl write SetIsControl; property Form: TCustomForm read GetCustomForm write SetCustomForm; end; //小黑点的方向性 TGrabHandleDirect = (fdLeftUp, fdUp, fdRightUp, fdRight, fdRightDown, fdDown, fdLeftDown, fdLeft); //就是选中时空间边上那八个小黑点 TGrabHandle = class(TCustomControl) private FManager: TGrabHandleManager; FControl: TControl; FDirect: TGrabHandleDirect; FDesigner: TDesignerHook; procedure Pos(); function GetDesigner: TDesignerHook; protected procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); override; public constructor Create(AManager: TComponent; AControl: TControl; ADirect: TGrabHandleDirect); destructor Destroy; override; property Designer: TDesignerHook read GetDesigner; end; procedure SetDesignState(AComponent : TComponent; Value : Boolean); var Root : TWinControl; i : Integer; begin TCrackComponent(AComponent).SetDesigning(Value, True); if AComponent is TWinControl then begin root := TWinControl(AComponent); for i := 0 to Root.ControlCount - 1 do SetDesignState(Root.Controls[i], Value); end; end; function BeginDesign(Form: TCustomForm): IDesignerHook; begin Result := BeginDesign(Form, Form); end; function BeginDesign(Form: TCustomForm; Root: TWinControl): IDesignerHook; var Designer : TDesignerHook; I : Integer; begin Designer := TDesignerHook.Create(); Designer.Form := Form; Designer.FRoot := Root; Result := Designer as IDesignerHook; Form.Designer := Result; TCrackComponent(Form).SetDesigning(True, False); SetDesignState(Root, True); end; procedure EndDesign(Form : TCustomForm); begin SetDesignState(Form, False); Form.Designer := nil; end; { TDesignerHook } function TDesignerHook.Add(AControl: TControl): TControl; var D : TGrabHandleDirect; FrameSize : TGrabHandle; begin Result := AControl; FControls.Add(AControl); for D := fdLeftUp to fdLeft do begin FrameSize := TGrabHandle.Create(FGrabHandleManager, AControl, D); end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.AddRectControls(Parent: TWinControl; Rect: TRect); function InRect(R1, R2: TRect): Boolean; begin Result := False; if not IntersectRect(R1, R1, R2) then Exit; Result := not IsRectEmpty(R1); end; var I : Integer; begin Clear(); for I := 0 to Parent.ControlCount - 1 do if InRect(Rect, Parent.Controls[I].BoundsRect) and OwnerCheck(Parent.Controls[I], FRoot) then begin Add(Parent.Controls[I]); end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.Clear; var I : Integer; begin for I := FControls.Count - 1 downto 0 do Remove(I); end; procedure TDesignerHook.ClearGrabHandle(AControl: TControl); var I : Integer; begin for I := FGrabHandleManager.ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do if (FGrabHandleManager.Components[I] is TGrabHandle) and (TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).FControl = AControl) then TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).Free; end; constructor TDesignerHook.Create; begin FGrabHandleManager := TGrabHandleManager.Create(Self); FControls := TList.Create; end; destructor TDesignerHook.Destroy; begin if FForm <> nil then TCrackComponent(FForm).SetDesigning(False, True); FGrabHandleManager.Free; FControls.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TDesignerHook.GetControlCount: Integer; begin Result := FControls.Count; end; function TDesignerHook.GetControls(Index: Integer): TControl; begin Result := TControl(FControls[Index]); end; function TDesignerHook.GetCustomForm: TCustomForm; begin Result := FForm; end; function TDesignerHook.GetIsControl: Boolean; begin Result := TCrackControl(FForm).IsControl; end; function TDesignerHook.GetRoot: TComponent; begin Result := FForm; end; function TDesignerHook.OnMessage(Sender: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean; var CtrlIndex, I : Integer; begin Result := ((Message.Msg >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) and (Message.Msg <= WM_MOUSELAST)) or ((Message.Msg >= WM_KEYFIRST) and (Message.Msg <= WM_KEYLAST)); case Message.Msg of WM_LBUTTONDOWN: MouseDown( Sender, mbLeft, KeysToShiftState(TWMMouse(Message).Keys), TWMMouse(Message).XPos, TWMMouse(Message).YPos ); WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin MouseMove( Sender, KeysToShiftState(TWMMouse(Message).Keys), TWMMouse(Message).XPos, TWMMouse(Message).YPos); end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin MouseUp( Sender, mbLeft, KeysToShiftState(TWMMouse(Message).Keys), TWMMouse(Message).XPos, TWMMouse(Message).YPos); end; WM_KEYDOWN: begin KeyDown( Sender, TWMKey(Message).CharCode, KeyDataToShiftState(TWMKey(Message).KeyData) ); end; end; if Sender = FForm then Result := False; end; function TDesignerHook.IsDesignMsg(Sender: TControl; var Message: TMessage): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (Sender is TGrabHandle) then Exit; case Message.Msg of WM_MOUSEFIRST..WM_MOUSELAST, WM_KEYFIRST..WM_KEYLAST: Result := OnMessage(Sender, Message); end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.KeyDown(Sender: TControl; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var I : Integer; begin if (ControlCount = 0) or ((not (ssShift in Shift)) and (not (ssCtrl in Shift))) or (Key in [VK_CONTROL, VK_SHIFT]) then Exit; if (ControlCount = 1) and (Controls[0] = FForm) then Exit; if ssCtrl in Shift then begin case Key of VK_UP: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin Controls[I].Top := Controls[I].Top - 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; VK_DOWN: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin Controls[I].Top := Controls[I].Top + 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; VK_LEFT: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin Controls[I].Left := Controls[I].Left - 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; VK_RIGHT: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin Controls[I].Left := Controls[I].Left + 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; end; end else begin case Key of VK_UP: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[I].Height - 1 > 1 then Controls[I].Height := Controls[I].Height - 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; VK_DOWN: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[I].Height + 1 > 1 then Controls[I].Height := Controls[I].Height + 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; VK_LEFT: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[I].Width - 1 > 1 then Controls[I].Width := Controls[I].Width - 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; VK_RIGHT: begin ShowGrabHandle(False); try for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin if Controls[I].Width + 1 > 1 then Controls[I].Width := Controls[I].Width + 1; end; finally ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; end; end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.Modified; begin end; procedure TDesignerHook.MouseDown(Sender: TControl; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var CtrlIndex, I : Integer; begin if Dragging then Exit; CtrlIndex := FControls.IndexOf(Sender); if (ssShift in Shift) then //按Shift多选 begin if (Sender = FRoot)or(Sender = FForm) then //多选不能添加Root或者Form Exit; if CtrlIndex = -1 then begin Add(Sender); Dragging := False; end else begin Remove(Sender); ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end else if (ssCtrl in Shift) or (Sender = FRoot) then //按住Shift或者点击的是Root就框选 begin Clear(); if (Sender is TWinControl) then begin if (TWinControl(Sender).ControlCount = 0) then begin if CtrlIndex = -1 then begin Add(Sender); ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end else begin FPointStart := Sender.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)); FOldRect := Rect(X, Y, X + 1, Y + 1); FSelecting := True; SetCaptureControl(Sender); end; Exit; end; end else //没按Shift也没按Ctrl点击.那就添加自己到选择的控件组中 .Root和Form不能和别的控件同时在组中 begin begin if (Sender = FRoot)or(Sender = FForm) then Exit; if CtrlIndex = -1 then begin Clear(); Add(Sender); end; end; Dragging := True; FDraggingControl := Sender; MouseLock(Sender); FBeforDragPos := Sender.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)); end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.MouseFree; begin SetCaptureControl(nil); ClipCursor(@FMouseRect); end; procedure TDesignerHook.MouseLock(Sender: TControl); var R : TRect; begin SetCaptureControl(Sender); GetClipCursor(FMouseRect); if Sender.Parent = nil then Exit; R := Sender.Parent.ClientRect; R.TopLeft := Sender.Parent.ClientToScreen(R.TopLeft); R.BottomRight := Sender.Parent.ClientToScreen(R.BottomRight); ClipCursor(@R); //把鼠标锁定在固定区域 end; procedure TDesignerHook.MouseMove(Sender: TControl; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var I : Integer; CPos : TPoint; DC : HDC; begin if Dragging then begin CPos := Mouse.CursorPos; for I := FControls.Count - 1 downto 0 do if Controls[I].Parent = Sender.Parent then //如果都是同一个Paren的话 begin Controls[I].Left := Controls[I].Left - (FBeforDragPos.X - CPos.X); Controls[I].Top := Controls[I].Top - (FBeforDragPos.Y - CPos.Y); end else begin Remove(I); end; FBeforDragPos := CPos; end else if FSelecting then begin FPointEnd := Sender.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)); FNewRect := PointToRect(FPointStart, FPointEnd); DC := GetDC(0); DrawFocusRect(DC, FOldRect); DrawFocusRect(DC, FNewRect); ReleaseDC(0, DC); FOldRect := FNewRect; end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.MouseUp(Sender: TControl; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var DC : HDC; begin if Dragging then begin MouseFree(); Dragging := False; end; if FSelecting then begin DC := GetDC(0); DrawFocusRect(DC, FOldRect); ReleaseDC(0, DC); FSelecting := False; SetCaptureControl(nil); if Sender is TWinControl then begin FOldRect.TopLeft := Sender.ScreenToClient(FOldRect.TopLeft); FOldRect.BottomRight := Sender.ScreenToClient(FOldRect.BottomRight); FOldRect := PointToRect(FOldRect.TopLeft, FOldRect.BottomRight); AddRectControls(TWinControl(Sender), FOldRect); ShowGrabHandle(True); end; end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.Notification(AnObject: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation); var Index : Integer; begin case Operation of opRemove: begin Index := FControls.IndexOf(AnObject); if Index <> -1 then Remove(Index); if AnObject = FForm then begin TCrackComponent(FForm).SetDesigning(False, True); FForm := nil; end; end; opInsert: begin end; end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.PaintGrid; begin end; procedure TDesignerHook.PaintMenu; begin end; function TDesignerHook.OwnerCheck(Sender: TControl; CheckOnwer: TComponent): Boolean; var W : TComponent; begin Result := False; W := Sender.Owner; while W <> nil do begin if W = CheckOnwer then begin Result := True; Exit; end; W := W.Owner; end; end; procedure TDesignerHook.Remove(Index: Integer); var I : Integer; Control : TControl; begin if Index = -1 then Exit; Control := TControl(FControls[Index]); FControls.Delete(Index); ClearGrabHandle(Control); end; procedure TDesignerHook.Remove(AControl: TControl); begin Remove(FControls.IndexOf(AControl)); end; procedure TDesignerHook.SetCustomForm(Value: TCustomForm); begin FForm := Value; if Value <> nil then Value.Designer := Self; end; procedure TDesignerHook.SetDragging(const Value: Boolean); var I : Integer; begin FDragging := Value; ShowGrabHandle(not Value); end; procedure TDesignerHook.SetIsControl(Value: Boolean); begin if FForm is TControl then TCrackControl(FForm).IsControl := Value; end; procedure TDesignerHook.ShowGrabHandle(const Show: boolean); var I : Integer; begin for I := 0 to FGrabHandleManager.ComponentCount - 1 do if (FGrabHandleManager.Components[I] is TGrabHandle) then begin if ControlCount > 1 then begin TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).Color := clAppWorkSpace; end else begin TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).Color := clBlack; end; TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).Pos(); TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).Visible := Show and ((ControlCount = 1) or ((ControlCount > 1) and (TGrabHandle(FGrabHandleManager.Components[I]).FDirect in [fdLeftUp, fdLeftDown, fdRightUp, fdRightDown]))); end; end; function TDesignerHook.UniqueName(const BaseName: string): string; var guid : TGuid; s : string; begin OleCheck(CoCreateGuid(guid)); s := GuidToString(guid); s := Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 2); // s := StringReplace(s, '-', '', []); Result := BaseName + s; end; procedure TDesignerHook.ValidateRename(AComponent: TComponent; const CurName, NewName: string); begin end; { TGrabHandle } constructor TGrabHandle.Create(AManager: TComponent; AControl: TControl; ADirect: TGrabHandleDirect); begin inherited Create(AManager); FManager := TGrabHandleManager(AManager); FDesigner := FManager.FDesigner; Color := clBlack; FDirect := ADirect; FControl := AControl; Visible := False; Parent := AControl.Parent; Pos(); end; destructor TGrabHandle.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; function TGrabHandle.GetDesigner: TDesignerHook; begin Result := FManager.FDesigner; end; procedure TGrabHandle.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if Designer.ControlCount > 1 then Exit; Designer.Dragging := True; Designer.FBeforDragPos := ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)); MouseCapture := True; end; procedure TGrabHandle.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var I : Integer; CPos : TPoint; cX, cY : Integer; begin inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); if not Designer.Dragging then Exit; CPos := ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)); { for I := 0 to Designer.ControlCount - 1 do begin Designer.Controls[I].Left := Designer.Controls[I].Left + (X - Designer.FBeforDragPos.X); Designer.Controls[I].Top := Designer.Controls[I].Top + (Y - Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y); end; } cX := Designer.FBeforDragPos.X - CPos.X; cY := Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y - CPos.Y; if (Abs(cX) < 2) and (Abs(cY) < 2) then Exit; case FDirect of fdLeftUp: begin if FControl.Width + cX > 1 then begin FControl.Left := FControl.Left - cX; FControl.Width := FControl.Width + cX; Designer.FBeforDragPos.X := CPos.X; end; if FControl.Height + cY > 1 then begin FControl.Top := FControl.Top - cY; FControl.Height := FControl.Height + cY; Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y := CPos.Y; end; end; fdUp: begin if FControl.Height + cY > 1 then begin FControl.Top := FControl.Top - cY; FControl.Height := FControl.Height + cY; Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y := CPos.Y; end; end; fdRightUp: begin if FControl.Width - cX > 1 then begin FControl.Width := FControl.Width - cX; Designer.FBeforDragPos.X := CPos.X; end; if FControl.Height + cY > 1 then begin FControl.Top := FControl.Top - cY; FControl.Height := FControl.Height + cY; Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y := CPos.Y; end; end; fdRight: begin if FControl.Width - cX > 1 then begin FControl.Width := FControl.Width - cX; Designer.FBeforDragPos.X := CPos.X; end; end; fdRightDown: begin if FControl.Width - cX > 1 then begin FControl.Width := FControl.Width - cX; Designer.FBeforDragPos.X := CPos.X; end; if FControl.Height - cY > 1 then begin FControl.Height := FControl.Height - cY; Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y := CPos.Y; end; end; fdDown: begin if FControl.Height - cY > 1 then begin FControl.Height := FControl.Height - cY; Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y := CPos.Y; end; end; fdLeftDown: begin if FControl.Width + cX > 1 then begin FControl.Left := FControl.Left - cX; FControl.Width := FControl.Width + cX; Designer.FBeforDragPos.X := CPos.X; end; if FControl.Height - cY > 1 then begin FControl.Height := FControl.Height - cY; Designer.FBeforDragPos.Y := CPos.Y; end; end; fdLeft: begin if FControl.Width + cX > 1 then begin FControl.Left := FControl.Left - cX; FControl.Width := FControl.Width + cX; Designer.FBeforDragPos.X := CPos.X; end; end; end; end; procedure TGrabHandle.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); MouseCapture := False; Designer.Dragging := False; end; procedure TGrabHandle.Pos(); var X : array[0..2] of Integer; Y : array[0..2] of Integer; begin X[0] := FControl.Left - GrabHandleSize div 2; X[1] := FControl.Left + (FControl.Width - GrabHandleSize) div 2; X[2] := FControl.Left + FControl.Width - GrabHandleSize div 2; Y[0] := FControl.Top - GrabHandleSize div 2; Y[1] := FControl.Top + (FControl.Height - GrabHandleSize) div 2; Y[2] := FControl.Top + FControl.Height - GrabHandleSize div 2; case FDirect of fdLeftUp: begin Cursor := crSizeNWSE; SetBounds(X[0], Y[0], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdUp: begin Cursor := crSizeNS; SetBounds(X[1], Y[0], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdRightUp: begin Cursor := crSizeNESW; SetBounds(X[2], Y[0], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdRight: begin Cursor := crSizeWE; SetBounds(X[2], Y[1], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdRightDown: begin Cursor := crSizeNWSE; SetBounds(X[2], Y[2], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdDown: begin Cursor := crSizeNS; SetBounds(X[1], Y[2], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdLeftDown: begin Cursor := crSizeNESW; SetBounds(X[0], Y[2], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; fdLeft: begin Cursor := crSizeWE; SetBounds(X[0], Y[1], GrabHandleSize, GrabHandleSize); end; end; if FDesigner.ControlCount > 1 then Cursor := crDefault; BringToFront; end; { TGrabHandleManager } constructor TGrabHandleManager.Create(ADesigner: TDesignerHook); begin inherited Create(nil); FDesigner := ADesigner; end; end.
武老师你好!我引用您的 DesignHookUtils.pas 单元, 在Delphi 7 下编译正常, 但我现在用是 XE10.1 版本的, 编译时 TDesignerHook = class; 出错:[dcc32 Error] DesignHookUtils.pas(55): E2291 Missing implementation of interface method IDesignerNotify.CanInsertComponent。 我一直搞不懂是什么问题, 所以就向您请教来着, 我应该怎么改才会在XE10.1下正常使用。 希望您能给予指教,谢谢!
{ IDesignerNotify 的接口}
procedure Modified;
procedure Notification(AnObject: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation);
procedure CanInsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);
{ IDesignerNotify 的接口}
procedure Modified;
procedure Notification(AnObject: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation);
procedure CanInsertComponent(AComponent: TComponent);